Yasir Hammed apologizes to PCB on giving interview to the News of the World

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Yasir Hameed apologizes to PCB on giving interview to the News of the World

Pakistani batsman, Yasir Hameed has apologized to the Pakistan Cricket Board after being involved in an interview, in which he mentioned that different Pakistani players are involved in match fixing and spot fixing. His apology was quite necessary for his
own sake, as his interview came at a time when Pakistani Cricket was traumatized by the spot fixing scandal and the timings for an interview could not have been worse for the Pakistani Cricket. But Hameed’s apology again shows the nature of politics in Pakistan
Cricket that any player who has to survive in the team must be submissive to the Cricket board and cannot afford to make huge statements in the team. Hammed did make an irresponsible remark but he was so much taken by its response from the cricket board that
he decided to cut to the quick and save his place in the Pakistani side.

PCB sources said that Yasir has submitted an unconditional apology to the PCB Chairman and has asked for his apology. It remains to be seen that whether Yaisr Hammed would be considered for the future selection in the team, but overall he has removed a huge
hurdle from his way and has made himself available for selection.

The whole episode started when Yasir Hammed gave an interview to the “News of the World” and suggested in it that the players, who were suspended by the ICC on suspicion of spot fixing in the Lord’s Test, were trying to fix every match in which they were
playing. He further said that the whole Spot fixing incident has made him quite angry as he was playing his best while other players were trying to lose for their side .Yasir Hameed initially denied giving such interview, but later admitted that he was trapped
by an undercover reporter who was disguised as an Airline individual and wanted him to sign an airline deal.

Yasir Hameed further said that he was trapped into the whole interview and he feels he should have been cautious of saying all these things in front of a total stranger. Hameed further said that he apologize to all those players who got hurt because of the
whole incident. Yaisr Hameed has been around Pakistan cricket team for quite some time and has the potential to bat well for his side. Yasir Hameed further said that he has been performing well in the domestic structure and hopes he will be selected in the
team for the future series.   

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